Aquae A.M.O.R.E. water is a high-potency elixir charged with love. A.M.O.R.E. mirrors the structure and composition of the purest freshwater rivers and streams found in nature.

“By holding the intention of peace towards water, by thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water can and will bring peace, to our bodies and to the world.”

-Dr. Masuru Emoto



  • High pH 9.5
  • Option to customize between pH 7.5 and 9.5
  • Added Magnesium
  • Offsets acidity from processed foods
  • Regulates over 300 biochemical reactions in the body
  • Promotes rapid and complete detoxification during pregnancy



  • 72 ionic trace minerals
  • 100% natural and non-synthetic
  • Purified from ancient inland oceans
  • Colorless, tasteless, and odorless
  • Rapidly-absorbed
  • Maintains electrolyte balance in vital organs
  • Offsets food grown in mineral-depleted soil



  • Oxygen-infused using Hydra and Vortex technologies
  • Replicates the dynamic flow of a vibrant river
  • Reduces the presence of pathogens
  • Reduces total-body inflammation
  • Increases energy levels
  • Strengthens immune system



  • Creates structured water molecule clusters by spinning in a Double Vortex
  • Restores water to its natural, coherent state
  • Repairs the damage caused by previous contaminants
  • Increases bioavailability and absorption
  • Optimizes mineral delivery to the body



  • Vortex Energizers restructure our water through sympathetic vibratory resonance
  • Shungite and other crystals placed around our water shield it from EMF and raise its vibration
  • Words of kindness and soothing music infuse our water with positive intentions



  • High pH 9.5
  • Option to customize between pH 7.5 and 9.5
  • Added Magnesium
  • Offsets acidity from processed foods
  • Regulates over 300 biochemical reactions in the body
  • Promotes rapid and complete detoxification during pregnancy



  • 72 ionic trace minerals
  • 100% natural and non-synthetic
  • Purified from ancient inland oceans
  • Colorless, tasteless, and odorless
  • Rapidly-absorbed
  • Maintains electrolyte balance in vital organs
  • Offsets food grown in mineral-depleted soil



  • Oxygen-infused using Hydra and Vortex technologies
  • Replicates the dynamic flow of a vibrant river
  • Reduces the presence of pathogens
  • Reduces total-body inflammation
  • Increases energy levels
  • Strengthens immune system



  • Creates structured water molecule clusters by spinning in a Double Vortex
  • Restores water to its natural, coherent state
  • Repairs the damage caused by previous contaminants
  • Increases bioavailability and absorption
  • Optimizes mineral delivery to the body



  • Vortex Energizers restructure our water through sympathetic vibratory resonance
  • Shungite and other crystals placed around our water shield it from EMF and raise its vibration
  • Words of kindness and soothing music infuse our water with positive intentions


The pH scale spans from 0 to 14, ranging from strongly acidic to strongly alkaline. The human body maintains its own pH levels, and excessive acidity can significantly impact bodily systems and cellular function. As we age, our bodies tend to become more acidic due to the accumulation of toxic waste in the bloodstream, cells, and lymphatic system. Furthermore, medical studies confirm that body acidity plays a role in nearly all diseases. [1]

The food we consume and the water we drink play pivotal roles in determining the alkalinity or acidity of our bodies.

Many foods we eat daily are acid-forming, such as sugar, processed foods, condiments, dairy products, red meat, wheat, and soda. [2] Given the impracticality of entirely avoiding these foods, drinking alkaline water offers a convenient and safe method to balance our body’s pH. Additional benefits include boosting the body’s detoxification process and enhancing immunity. It’s like drinking a liquid antioxidant!

Although prevalent throughout history, the popularity of drinking alkaline water surged in the early 2000s. Taking advantage of this trend, bottled water companies and supermarket chains discovered that electrolysis could rapidly and inexpensively increase pH levels by “shocking” hydrogen atoms off water molecules. This process does not occur in nature! It damages water molecules, leaving a surplus of floating hydrogen atoms with relatively few health benefits.

At The Water Brewery, we gently bathe our water in magnesium to raise its pH. This approach imitates Mother Nature’s process, where water from rivers and streams flows over rocks and plants, gradually absorbing magnesium from these sources.

Magnesium helps to regulate over 300 biochemical processes in the body. Adequate magnesium levels correlate with reduced stress, improved sleep, enhanced cognition, and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Magnesium is notably lacking in food due to mineral-depleted soils, and it’s equally scarce in tap and commercially-bottled water.

For Pregnant Women & New Mothers: Nausea and vomiting experienced during morning sickness in pregnancy can be attributed to acidic waste produced by the developing fetus. Pregnant women often find relief from these discomforts by consuming adequate amounts of alkalized water. Drinking alkalized water while nursing is also beneficial, as it enhances nutrient absorption, leading to improved breast milk quality.

Please Note: Due to our unique water alkalization process, standard pH test strips and drops are not suitable for accurately measuring the pH of our water. We recommend using a professional hydroponics unit for pH measurements. We conduct alkalinity tests on our water every morning, so please feel free to inquire if you have any questions!


The minerals present in naturally occurring, mineral-rich water play a vital role in the health of all living organisms. It is crucial to regularly replenish your body with these minerals to prevent depletion and ensure optimal functioning.

Mineral-rich freshwater resources are becoming scarcer, prompting an increasing dependence on the desalination of saltwater or demineralization of recycled water to meet our drinking water needs. This has led to the widespread use of artificially created water, like distilled, deionized, or reverse osmosis-treated water. These types of water were initially intended for industrial, technical, and laboratory purposes, where minerals were intentionally removed. However, in our urgency to secure cleaner drinking water, we have neglected to examine the adverse health effects of drinking demineralized water.

Demineralized water has very few or no dissolved minerals. When consumed, the body may draw minerals from its reserves to compensate for the lack of minerals in the water, potentially leading to a dilution of minerals and impacted organ function. Symptoms can include tiredness, weakness, headaches, muscle cramps, and an impaired heart rate.

At The Water Brewery, we use Reverse Osmosis Filtration to remove harmful contaminants; however, this process also removes essential minerals. Consequently, we reintroduce these minerals to our water after the Reverse Osmosis stage.

We use a purified, non-synthetic solution of 72 trace and ultra-trace minerals, sourced from natural inland oceans. They are included in our A.M.O.R.E. water. And because our minerals are in an ionic form, they are more effortlessly absorbed by the body.


As water winds its way through rivers and streams, it absorbs oxygen molecules from the air, a process made possible by the continuous movement of the water. However, the oxygen content of the water diminishes over time due to several factors. Pollution from industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and sewage introduces contaminants that consume oxygen as they degrade. Additionally, stagnant water bodies lack sufficient contact with the atmosphere, which hampers the exchange of gases, including oxygen.

To counterbalance this loss of oxygen, The Water Brewery utilizes specialized hyrdra technology to reintroduce oxygen to our water. After this process, our water is spun in a double vortex, further infusing the water with even more oxygen. Drinking oxygen-infused water has shown promising results in boosting energy levels, strengthening immunity, and reducing the presence of bacteria, viruses, and pathogens within the body. It also creates a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive.


    Water possesses the unique ability to retain traces of the countless substances it encounters, including undesirable elements like lead, mercury, artificial hormones, industrial chemicals, bleach, laundry detergent, and more. Fortunately, mechanical purification techniques can effectively eliminate all of these contaminants.

    However, even after undergoing mechanical purification, water preserves an energetic imprint of the substances it encountered previously. These past interactions disrupt the water molecules’ capacity to self-cluster into the coherent patterns found in natural water, causing it to lose its structure. Concerns arise in the production of tap water in LA and OC, particularly regarding “toilet-to-tap” initiatives, wherein wastewater is recycled into drinking water. Although municipal water undergoes (minimal) purification, there is no energetic restructuring before it reaches the tap. [3]

    When water molecules pass through a natural or artificial vortex, they realign into nearly perfect structures. Furthermore, vortexes break down water molecule clusters, resulting in smaller cluster sizes. Smaller clusters are believed to offer increased bioavailability and higher absorption by cells and tissues. Drinking structured water may enhance hydration, nutrient absorption, reduce DNA degradation, and promote an overall sense of well-being. Individuals who consume restructured water may experience a significant surge in energy levels.

    Vortexing acts like a reset button, returning water to its natural state and erasing any “bad memories” or energetic imprints left by previous contaminants. In nature, this process is ongoing, but it is notably absent in municipal water production, which solely concentrates on contaminant removal.

    At The Water Brewery, we utilize a pair of water vortexers to restructure our water, emulating the natural water vortexes found in nature. Vortexers are integral components of our water system, and we ensure that water is always vortexed before it reaches your container.


    At The Water Brewery, we take water restructuring to the next level. In addition to vortexing to physically restructure our water, we also use 4 stages of energetic restructuring.

    1. Vortex Energizers

    The Vortex Energizer is a copper device that holds water prepared using implosion technology inspired by the work of Austrian forester, naturalist, and inventor Viktor Schauberger. The Vortex Energizer has been demonstrated to influence the softness, pH, and conductivity of nearby water, even without direct contact. [4]

    At The Water Brewery, we integrate multiple Energizers into our water system by placing them on the piping. You can also purchase them in our stores.

    2. Words of Kindness

    Every word we speak, every thought or feeling we experience, emits a specific energy or vibration. These energies can significantly influence the environment around us, just as harmful words in a household can impact a child’s development by creating disharmony within their emotional, psychological, and physical bodies. Similar to people, food and water also emit and store energetic vibrations that can be influenced by the intentions and thoughts we direct towards them. This belief is evidenced by ancient and modern cultures who have practice praying before consuming meals.

    These ideas were put to the test by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese water researcher who investigated the effects of specific words on ice crystal formation and purity. In one of his experiments, Emoto labeled bottles of water with words like “thank you” and “fool,” with each bottle containing the same water. When frozen, the water labeled with “thank you” formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, while the water with “fool” displayed relatively malformed crystals. Based on these results, Emoto concluded that certain words and intentions have the potential to change the physical structure of water. [5]

    Throughout our water system, we place words such as “Love”, “Peace”, and “Unity” to infuse the water with the vibration of these positive words. Our intention is that the water will transfer these sentiments to all those who drink it.

    3. Music, Sounds, and Healing Frequencies

    In his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment with music by placing water bottles between two  speakers and playing different genres of music. The results were astonishing; classical music, like Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony and Mozart’s 40th Symphony, produced beautifully formed and delicate crystals. In contrast, violent heavy-metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals, highlighting the significant impact of music on water’s structure. [6]

    In our water room, we play inspirational music, soothing nature sounds, and healing frequencies to the water, creating a harmonious environment that contributes to the energetic integrity of our water.

    4. Crystal Protection

    For centuries, crystals have played a significant role in various cultures and spiritual practices, as they are believed to possess abilities to amplify, channel, and protect against energies. Shungite is used by crystal healers to help people to become more grounded and connected with the Earth. Shungite also helps people to let go of negative thought patterns and deep-seated feelings of fear, guilt, and shame. [8]

    Additionally, Shungite has shown an ability to shield against high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, including radiation from cellular phones, WiFi, and other electronic devices. [8]

    In our water room, we strategically position Shungite on the pipes of our water system to add an energetic layer of protection to our water as it undergoes its purification and restructuring process. Shungite is not placed directly in our water.